I love working with Cathy French. She is very spiritually sensitive. She feels, senses, and knows so much that is happening behind the scenes.
At a session, I first gave her some Rolfing so that she could get that nourishing, grounding touch and then switched to Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy, and I then shifted to doing energy work, following the flow of inspiration.
I had put my hand under her spine under her heart area and a beautiful pink light came in which reminded me of a rose quartz heart crystal. It was very sweet, healing, and loving. I felt the spiritual beings so to speak, giving her a lot of energy. It was beautiful to experience. I went to her head and a profound purple light came in. I attuned to it and brought it in more clearly. Again I could feel the spiritual forces sending her healing and wisdom.
I don’t remember doing this exact type of healing work before so I felt so fortunate to be working with a sensitive client who could draw it in and appreciate it. It is wonderful to be attuned to another person and to spiritual forces at the same time. She is an inspiration to me because she is a brilliant healer herself and she always finds my work amazing. I am willing and motivated to stretch into new places when I work on her.