In my article on my website: psychological and spiritual dimensions of the 10 series I say that healing is about reclaiming our own personal power. As a practitioner I am supporting my client in that endeavor. It is their choice that has to be the ultimate decider of where we go. I think to really truly make good decisions about where we go in our life requires that we get in touch with how we really feel. Getting in touch with our feelings has to be the basis of healing and of living a life that is fulfilling, joyful, and harmonious with who we are.
So as a practitioner, ideally for me, it’s my function to support that awareness, their awareness of how they feel and what feels right for them.
One way I can do that is to help them experience what it is to feel good and to help them become aware of that and to help them realize the importance of that. I feel it’s my job to acknowledge the significance of that awareness of well-being and how important that is. I can help them become aware that they do have a choice between well-being and stress. Just knowing we have a choice makes that choice more available. Most of us just go through life not aware that we have choices that we may not be exercising.
Some people naturally have that awareness of the possibility of choosing to what feels best to us . But there are many forces in society that seek to weaken that awareness in order to make people more subservient, or being more amenable to giving up our power to the benefit of those that seek to take it from us. That’s just the way the world is. It’s not necessarily a bad thing but it forces us to really become clear about what’s important to us if we want to live a joyful fulfilling life.
When people come to me for healing, even if it’s about a sore back or pain somewhere, I feel responsible to guide them to true healing which is their personal joy and their personal power. I feel that at some level that’s why they chose me has their practitioner. Some people may not relate to that and decide not to work with me, but most people that come to me seem to appreciate my long-term goal.
I work with each person where they are to the best of my ability and to work with what their aims and goals are. We have a discussion of that before we begin the process.
It is my great joy to see my clients claim their power and their Joy and live that in their life.